Don Marz

It made me think about Kirby's Avengers #1, where the Hulk rushes to save a passenger train after Loki tricks him into thinking it's in danger, accidentally demolishes the bridge trying to smash a bomb that isn't there, then holds the rails up so the train can pass safely… which reveals him to the passengers who blame

I'm not a fan of it by any stretch, but I feel superhero stories tend to follow trends, not blaze trails. It's all about money, and the people who run the show have concluded there's not enough money in people like me, nor in kids. I do agree that there's an element of self-fulfilling prophecy in it, but then again,

The Ninja Turtles were, like most heroes of their era, the most boring part of their comic books, TV shows, movies & video games. If you're ranking turtles in any of those cases, the four main characters are, in whatever order, the last four on the list, behind various evil turtles, robot turtles, and what have you.

Because a lot of bros are goofy, good-natured stoners instead of aggressive dicks?

When I was a kid, I liked this movie. But: it is a bad movie.

You mean from the episode where Superman suggests letting everyone on Apokolips die?

The Superman editors at DC in the '50s and '60s freely admitted that they just cribbed a lot of their ideas from letters that kids wrote them suggesting stories and characters. No one back then thought of suing over it. Eventually, someone did, and now unsolicited stories get sent back with boilerplate saying that no

The only way those cartoons could begin to make Hawkgirl interesting was to strip away the Golden Age Hawkman story. The episode where it's reintroduced is one of the most boring and awkward episodes of the series. The live-action version of the story is like that episode, but even more awkward and boring, and

Do you know what humans look like? In real life, I mean.


As a guy who constantly angsts about being too powerful and looks forward to fighting some abstraction he can kick through skyscrapers to address his own self-loathing neuroses? Yeah, a lot of people like that version of Superman nowadays…

We could get Darwyn Cooke to write it, and he could put a little speech in there about how it's wrong for Batwoman to be a lesbian.

"actively trying to ruin him" - are you a child?

No surprise since these guys' entire philosophy is built around their limp-dick revenge fantasies against the girls who laughed at the idea of banging them in high school. They're all still laughing…LOL…you only got grosser, losers!

Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos! *slams gigantic Orientalist temple door*

Never played this game, so maybe I don't know, but: wasn't the moment for this maybe a year or two after the South Park episode, tops?

I was into it all the way through; I don't understand anyone's problem with it. Near the top of the franchise if you ask me. I liked using the Wii controller, for once. The design was also pretty hot, and it did all the things a Zelda game is supposed to do very nicely.

All of the games seem to have that undercurrent to me; I think it's one of the most consistent things about the series. Hyrule is always already lost in some major way, even if they have to move you through time to see it.

I enjoyed the game but that's a great description of why I almost didn't, because I got close to just restarting Wind Waker at that point.

Um… pumpkin hauling!