Don Marz

A boomerang that causes a tornado? Give me a break! -John Stossel

The way I remember this game is that, on Gamecube, it played almost exactly like Wind Waker - enemies moved the same way, you fought them the same way, etc. It felt like some sort of custom re-skin.

CLINTON: Mmm, the youth, and their precious warm blood… I mean their massive debt to my campaign donors, I mean their views on the issues mmm a heh heh, sorry there folks.

Yeah… sigh.

The Cerebro helmet built into Apocalypse's ancient-world shroud is at least cool-looking.

Damn it… I've been waiting ever since Colicos & Blendick for the Apocalypse movie, but the only scene in this trailer that carries that sort of oomph is where Apocalypse insta-kills everyone on the floor but Magneto. And the cartoon wasn't even that good.

You may be close to alone on the uniforms.

Good, I liked Take Shelter and I was afraid this would blow.

Has anyone mentioned the song "Pinball Wizard" yet? It is about pinball.

No one said they were boys…

It wasn't even that good of a movie the first time around.

I think we all could have guessed you've never been to a show before.

with the Spotify doors.

Glad you brought this back, I was just thinking how much I want to butterfly a hog.

Well I'm glad you were able to deduce that through the foolproof method of never even visiting the crime scene, Batman.

Hey everybody, an old man is talking!

I always figured it was crime-ridden to this day given the "membership club" laws there.

Pachinko was the same way in Japan: an all-gangster business.

I don't know why he'd expect Batman and his friends to protect him, they're not even real.

Oh because you saw Batman v. Superman already, right.