Don Marz

It's definitely the sort of movie that will appeal to fans of Cabin in the Woods, let's put it that way. Especially that clunker of an ending.

That's a good explanation of why it falls short.

Agree with this review - good, but "too bad…", right? Solid movie overall, with a goofball ending lobbed underhand over home plate at the dumbasses who'd demand their money back otherwise.

Doyle's supposed to be an incompetent maniac. The point of his role in the movie, including the famous chase scene, is that he's a murderer and a failure.

Recognizing that two similar things are similar is boring. Trying to explain why is less so. It would be nice if some recent movies got anywhere near the latter.

What I'm saying is that Star Trek is pap that doesn't really give a shit about internal consistency despite the neuroses of its fans and some long-dead creators, and you're asking for a huge step up from that, and it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Here's the thing: Nemesis is a movie you've seen, and this is a movie you haven't.

Simon Pegg is this gigantic nerd whiner now, it's fucking pathetic.

Yeah, that's true now. Does it hurt you? A lot?

I could want them to solve a space mystery on a strange and unknown planet, like a Star Trek episode, which is what the movie seems to be about.

It's a little weird to imagine that because you don't like a movie, the person behind it decided to make it because he hates it.

Mother, quiet! I'm downloading General Zod!

But those two people are one person! I guess he might need two seats.

I think we're all familiar with the ins and outs of Nutwreck, eh, my droogs?

Now we have a cloaking device and the balance of power has shifted! *turns it on and flies away, doesn't have it later*

Take a chill pill.

You're reaching

Whoa you must be really cool and hip

I hope people come to visit me at my spooky grave

Uh-oh, you just suggested that white guys benefit from input from others. Prepare for a storm of shit.