Don Marz

No, it's not… sensitive much?

The entire point of it is to be a huge prick in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. So it succeeds.

The art looks nice, but I checked in to see how this comic is doing and it turns out it's doing… a story where the characters are kind of caught up in realistic hallucinations for a second and then realize their true selves and smash the illusions. Oh well.

That's irrelevant because it's a comparison

The part where the trailer descended into maudlin sympathy for the characters guaranteed I will never pay to see this movie.

I clicked on the picture to see the really fucked up dogs I thought I saw and now I'm pissed

So the history is that symbols existed as standard characters for printing presses, then a guy made a font out of some symbols in the 1970s, then Microsoft bought the rights to it. That did not take me 3 minutes to write, let alone for anyone to read.

Actor or Actress from Dexter to Appear on Cop Show

Story has never improved a game much for me, but on the other hand, a bad story can make a merely okay game unplayable for me (Xenoblade Chronicles) or a fun game a lot less fun (Far Cry 3) if it's shoved in my face.

How much easier is Subsistence? I heard about the camera control and thought, well, there goes most of the parts I found challenging, like trench-crawling on the hilly terrain as you climb up that mountain near the end. It seemed like it would be a lot less fun if I could spin the camera while lying prone and see

I've only ever played the "Twin Snakes" version of "Solid", but I haven't ever played the version of Snake Eater with full control over the camera, and I don't really want to, even though MGS3 is easily my favorite among those games, so I guess I can see how that might play out.

People used to tell me Final Fantasy X-2 was bad, but I just couldn't see it. It seemed like an improvement on everything that its predecessor tried to do, from the skill trees to the story.

Every moment they spend pimping a walk-on from Sony's movies is going to be another moment taken from building the many other characters who aren't even introduced until this movie, on top of the supposed main cast. It's gonna suck

On the plus side, he can stop the train wherever he wants and they'll just carry him onto the platform

Best of luck to all those lovable executives at Disney & Sony as they seek more money for their wealthiest shareholders

It's not bad

That's a cool thing to do

Mother, quiet! I'm downloading General Zod

They just set up the A.V. Club story picture tee ball for you this week with House of Cards, didn't they.

That's all beside the point because it doesn't matter what Marvel's managed to do. There hasn't been a decades-long run of Thor movies that have under-performed expectations for that character. That's why Time Warner wanted to put Batman in the Superman movie even when it was talked about as a brief appearance,