Don Marz

This trailer didn't come across as grim to me at all compared to the first one. It was almost as cute as the second one. Cute is the kind of movie you want from Snyder and the special effects teams he commands, the one he keeps not making. Here you get the repeat of that scene from the second trailer where the

I wonder how many books you could fill with just pages of Batman comics down through the decades where people in Batman comics used remote controls on flying robots.

The prince beats his women to death. It's a bad movie and that's the only way they could sell an affair to flyover country, have it literally save the woman's life, but it's hard to call the character a dick for getting that guy to kill himself which is why it's in a movie from Hollywood.

…why is Virtual Boy on your list of much-beloved game systems?

I could just copy the comments from above but I don't think I will.

The point of the game that was stolen and adapted into Monopoly was to convince you that it's a shitty thing.

Plus, he's just some unremarkable petty-bourgeois guy who went into his dad's line of work.

I felt I didn't have enough cats to get this show. Then I saw one episode with Lady Gaga and I thought, well, this is kind of like De Palma in a muted way I guess.

*shakes head*

They're betting they won't be over by then!

If you can't name at least two more…

The main problem with the morals of Assassin's Creed is the same as with most science fiction films, fantasy novels, video games, whatever, from that wing of the culture hotel: in the end, the good guys are like "most people" in the context of the work, and "most people" are like contemporary wishy-washy consumerist

Serious question: why is that neat?


Well, good. I have no idea what the long-time watchers of this show want, but I first experienced it by catching "She Gets Revenge" at random, and it did more to make me want to see the show than anything else I'd seen or heard about it.

If you're on PC, I found that tacking on every quality survival mod I could get to work together made Skyrim different enough for replay. Although that maybe seems like what you'd want to avoid

He does seem like a calm guy.

What the hell is everyone's problem still with goofy Batman?

I like both, but eh. Sounds about right to me. I also own everything Crichton's written short of Pirate Latitudes and I've read most of King's fiction. Those other two guys are a little better than that, but not by much.

On the other hand, nothing is sadder than a middlebrow raised as high as it can possibly go.