The Jongo

This theory is bonkers, and I'm loving it. It explains why the Others were kidnapping kids like crazy (did this get explained other than "women can't get pregnant on the island?"). It also explains why the psychic got freaked out by Claire giving away the kid.

I like the idea of the false reveal too. Though Sun and Jin's kid would make sense, they could always bring out Walt. . .

I am for a Swanson and Keamy breakfast show. "The Breakfast Club: With Swanson and Keamy" coming soon to Food Network. They would both have to stay in character though.

I, Like Noel, am hoping the Sun's loss of English will have some sort of dramatic purpose. If the only reason she lost English was so she couldn't communicate why she didn't like Richard's plan, then it seems like a weak dramatic device.

In honor of this thread, I have decided to comment shirtless.

When Jacob sends Hurley on a mission find the Black Lodge.

I don't think we can call it significant yet. Miles was only a supporting character in Recon, and Hurley only made cameos in LA X and in Locke's episode.

I haven't seen anything in the Sideways universe to suggest evil either. . .so unless something changes dramatically in the next couple of episodes, I really can't see at as the "smashed bottle universe."


If the Righteous Frothers had played during the Richard with Ghost wife scene, would anyone have turned off the TV, or would message boards light up with theories on how Lost is like Ghost?

I still think that Jacob=God while Smokey=Devil is too simplistic. Lost is always playing around with different narratives, and there is no doubt the Bible was the big one they used this week.

I thought this episode was a little flat. I'm not too concerned with the master narrative most of the the time, but if the jokes aren't hitting fast and furious, I find myself more annoyed with the shows tendency to shift into sentimentality.

It is interesting that Sawyer is a bad liar in the side flash. With Ben's redemption last week, and Sawyer (apparently) working against Smokey this theory seems to have some merit.

I'm digging this theory and would like to take it to new and crazy places. I generally tend to think that "nuke sinks island and causes alt-timeline" is problematic as an all-encompassing theory, but throw in a couple of other elements and I like it a lot better.

I just wanted to say, my gut has always been that the jughead explosion was a red herring. The idea that the alternative timeline is showing the Lostie's lives without Jacob is freaking "why didn't I think of that" brilliant.

Linus will strangle D'Angelo Barksdale and make it look like a suicide.

The "What sunk the island?" mystery has been bugging me a bit, but I suspect it was not the bomb. How about the Island Volcano that was casually mentioned a while back?

The Sideways Flashes
The sideways flashes have grown on me a bit. I sometimes find myself annoyed because they leave less time for the meat and potatoes island action, but I found myself enjoying the one in this episode.

Lester will get tucked away in an alternate timeline in the hatch. There, he will patiently carve doll furniture while entering the code every 108 minutes.

And McNulty will be demoted to Desmond's boat. Where they both drink shitloads of whiskey.