The Jongo

I hope Widmore comes out of the Sub cackling maniacally: "Wild Card Bitches!"

I was kind of hoping at least Jack would get something more out of Richard in the Blackrock. I guess it would be too much for Richard to blurt out "THE ISLAND IS PURGATORY" or some other Lost fan all-encompassing theory. . .where's Jack Bauer when you need him? He would have gotten something out of Richard for sure.

Nice idea that "Recon" will be a Sawyer episode. And now, empty meaningless speculation on who other episodes will center on based on these titles:

The Good vs. Evil Thing
This episode seemed more than others to hint that the battle between Smokey and Jacob was essentially good vs. evil. Am I alone in hoping this is not the case?

Ilana seems very underdeveloped. Obviously she's an important player for Team Jacob, but I can't help thinking her role will be smaller in the final showdown, if only because she hasn't been nearly as developed as the other Losties.

Yeah, I saw the reflection in the door too. It didn't seem to me we got the same spooky deja-vu vibe from Sayid that we got from the other characters when they saw their reflection.

I thought it was okay, not great.

I definitely think there is something more going on than "spot the other" for the fans. It seems like Others are being brought together with Losties they have some connection with. Almost as if the universe intends for them to be together.

Even if next episode is about Sayid, I still think Sun or Jin may bite the dust at some point (mostly because only one is on the list, though that's probably not be a death sentence).

Yeah. .that looks pretty bad. But notice Dad is in black, son is in white. Hmmmm. .. .

Wild theory: Sun will die next episode. This will send Jin into despair (a la Sawyer) and will make him vulnerable to join team Smokey.

I actually was thinking about the eye color thing too. . .but what about Jack's original off island flame? The lady who had her spine fixed by Jack. Did she have blue eyes?

Photo at Jack's House
Anyone catch the family photo at Jack's house? His Dad was wearing white, and Jack was wearing black. . .possible allusion to a Christian/Jack split on the team Smokey and team Jacob divide?

Spin off. . .
I would watch a show where David Lynch is a bar owner and Reginald the CIA Koala is his wise cracking employee.

Who can kill who?
Or better yet, who can't kill who?
Smokey can't kill Jacob.
Widmore can't kill Ben.
The Others can't kill Sayid (this is implied).
Ben did kill Locke (eventually).

I was actually thinking Juliet might be the doctor, seeing how she was a fertility specialist.

Pretty sure when the creators of the show were on Jimmy Kimmel, they made a special point to suggest that the Dharma village not being blown up was significant (though they might have said that somewhere else).

I basically agree that this episode was a lot better than some people gave it credit for. When you have a season of 20 episodes or so, it is pretty much impossible to have crazy action and mind blowing revelations every minute. The little moments on Lost just seem to have more weight because the backstory is richer.

I am interested in the possibility that both timelines are in the same universe. Probably after the happy ending where Jack uses a magic sword to slay the smoke monster, Jacob uses a little Men in Black memory eraser and makes the Losties forget everything that happened on the island (only it doesn't work 100%

I think Jacob and the MIB are opposed, but that opposition is not good vs. evil. I think they just have different views. Jacob sees people as inherently good, MIB sees them as destructive.