The Jongo

Our nation nightmare is over.

I didn't hate this episode, but it didn't seem like an "A" to me either. I'm not sure how much to blame the week off, but the pacing just seemed off this episode. Maybe it will play better in succession with the previous episode.

I'm in favor of the placeholder idea.

Side Flashes
These side flashes are really starting to confuse me. So is it House that drives Libby to the mental hospital where she meets up with Hurley?

I guess America is finally ready for broad pot humor in prime time. Yes We Can.

I'm glad Klaus got a little love, but I missed Reginald the CIA Koala. It's funny how in just a couple of episodes Reggie became almost a more complex character than Klaus.

Wasn't Hume one of the names at the lighthouse? I guess Alpert was too though. Hmmm. . .

I'm not on board with the island boy being Charles Widmore. Also, I assume Locke will feel the island timeline after getting hit, but I think it's too early to get that specific.

But have you had those fajitas? They are so worth the drive.

I like the "Jacob and Smokey are the same person" theory a bit more than I used to. Especially as it is articulated here ("Jacob stole my body").

Can we get the actor who played Al to make a Lost cameo at least? Possible fidgeting with a phone or computer while smoking a cigar?

I loved the creepy Willy Wonka music over the promo. What I don't love? Spoilers in the promo. Even minor ones. I think it would have been awesome if I didn't see Michael or Libby's grave in last weeks promo and they would have appeared out of the blue.

I'm not terribly satisfied with any of the current theories about the kid (or kids) in the jungle. For them to actually BE Jacob or Smokey seems pretty convoluted (but hey, this is Lost).

I am amongst those who think that Desmond hit Locke to trigger island visions (a la Charlie grabbing the wheel). At this point there is little evidence that alt-Desmond shares complete conciousness with island Desmond (or why would he even need the flight manifest?).

I wouldn't say I loved this episode, but I enjoyed it. I don't think every episode needs to reach for emotional depth. . .I kind of feel like the show has strained a bit this season trying to do that actually.

There sure is an awful lot of hostility on this thread isn't there? Take it easy. I think we're going to get a little more info on Libby (likely, next episode), a bit more on Walt (this is mostly my speculation based on the fact it was intimately involved with a lot of plots early in the series), and probably

Not to go all Doc Jenson on this, but I'm thinking there is a slight parallel between Desmond's sudden dissatisfaction with his Alt-life and Rabbit Angstrom's feelings of dismay about the direction his life took (I'm thinking mostly about Rabbit Run, but maybe the other books in the series as well).

This was my favorite episode of the season by far. I guess I could see how "the power of love" thing could bother people, but this episode was so well executed, and made a ton of sense with Lost's other themes, I can't find fault in it.

Well, as long as you have an excuse for missing last week. You are forgiven.

I was on board thinking the altverse was the world without Jacob's touch. . .but the fact that Jacob touched Sun and Jin when they were married complicates (if not destroys) this theory.