Roose Bolton

I was spoiled for the Red Wedding.

Allow me to give you a good flaying.

The Winds of Winter may not appear in 2014, but I guarantee that you will be seeing me.

Personally, I am quite eager to return to Game of Thrones this year. I am sure that you have all been anxiously awaiting my comeback.

So who wants to name their children after me?

I think it looks great.

Prepare to be flayed.

Why, thank you.

And can you imagine what were to happen if I used all my fingers?

If he were to cross me, I would conquer Walter White's territory, slay his entire family, and use his skin to make a new cloak for the winter.

“Walter White is a bigger monster than anyone in Westeros. I need to do something about that.”

I hope they save a role for me. My manipulation skills are very accomplished.

How about the flaying game?

Don't worry.

You're goddamn right.

What's all this about, then?

Step one: Change channel to HBO

Robb Stark

I do. But, of course, I like to root for the underdog.

I am going to make it out of the skin from dead Starks.