Roose Bolton

Best Use of Chainmail: Me

Was there, now?

I will flay you.

Personally, I think my favorite moment this year was my marriage to sweet, Fat Walda. But, no one remembers the happy weddings…

You're dead meat.

Who needs a sword when you have a flaying knife? Perhaps the two of you need to get better acquainted…

Certainly. You know, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus , you remind me of my son quite a bit.

No one here is interested in the contents of your stomach, George. Except perhaps my sword.

I am very glad the Boltons made such an impression on the television audience this year. Now that I'm loose, I will be here to stay and flay.

That throne would certainly look nice in the halls of the Dreadfort.

She is dead like all the rest.

Your god will not save you.

You will regret that.

Still plump.

I take offense to that. Game of Thrones features flaying, throat-slitting, and betrayal, but not an ounce of pedophilia.

What does that make me?

I am the one who flays.

This Hannibal had better watch his step, and stay out of my territory. Otherwise his skin will decorate the walls of the Dreadfort.

I hope the two of you are happy. Your reward will be a light to moderate flaying.

Watch who you try to kill off, George. You may regret it.