Roose Bolton

I cannot wait for Season 4, now that I am finally loose.

May I suggest some flaying?

You may have defeated the Starks, Greyjoy, but I swear now that the skin of your men will soon decorate the walls of the Dreadfort. They will keep out the drafts nicely when winter comes.

Another Stark? I will make short work of this nuisance.

One step ahead of you.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus As long as you do not challenge me, I will allow you to keep your skin.

Consider it done.

Jaime Lannister sends his regards.

Too soon

For some reason, this guy hasn't played at The Dreadfort yet.

Be careful what you wish for.

Looks like I'm going to have to flay this Walter White fellow.

I laughed as well.


Tsk, tsk, Ramsay. Letting your…..proclivities…get the best of you.

I'll be killing that pathetic Stannis Baratheon when winter finally comes.

Flay it!

I think you're forgetting Robb and I.

Stay out of my territory, you crazy dead bastard.

Never underestimate a Bolton.