Roose Bolton

Where do you get off, inviting people to my home?

There's nothing wrong with a man taking pleasure in his work.

I like violence.

I find it odd that there's nothing here about the true universal language: flaying.

I, Lord of the Dreadfort and Warden of the North, would like to present my own weekend of content:

Hanging sounds like light punishment. Perhaps flaying is a better option?

The episode didn't do much for me, but I appreciated the mention of flaying.

Be careful what you wish for. Unless you're wishing to get flayed.

Oh, I'll be back…

We do what we want in the North.

Well, here I…am.

Impersonate me again and you will pay for it dearly.

It had to be done.

It's about time.

For that insolence you will be flayed.

If you speak again, I will flay you.

As was predicted, it appears that I will be the only one left standing when winter comes. The rest will be flayed.

We will get what we want. Whether you choose to give it or not.

I would never associate with such a person. You will pay dearly for this mistake.

Well, the event was certainly quite satisfying.