Roose Bolton

Hey, everyone, you're looking at the new Warden of the North. Come on, folks, give me a hand! Anyone? Jaime?

How dare you claim to know my mind and thoughts. This is offensive to the highest degree. Do so again and I will not hesitate to take you back to the Dreadfort for some light flaying.

Don't claim to know what I think.

Don't steal my lines.

Torture, you say?

I was not invited.

Yes, you are.

And I will be watching all of you.

I completely agree with you. Anyone who does not read deserves to be flayed.

I don't see what the big deal is. Just a wedding.

You know nothing of my work.

I'll stab my kings any way I damn please.

Because I could.

I'm loose.

As long as he keeps it quiet.

I enjoyed this.

I know what I will be watching this Sunday.

I am not amused by you fools.

Let us not speak of it.

Yes. Me.