Beaten by minutes! And I think you're right there, the early labour could just be a natural reaction to Marshall's huge baby…
Beaten by minutes! And I think you're right there, the early labour could just be a natural reaction to Marshall's huge baby…
I don't have kids, but I work in neonatology - four weeks or less is in the normal range, so five is just outside. Nothing to be hugely worried about, but the baby would probably stay in the hospital for a bit longer than normal.
I'll do the heavy lifting…I'd imagine it's quite a hard reference to look up if you have no idea what you're looking for.
I'd disagree with Ewan McGregor's being the only decent performance, as a) even he has criticised his own performance in Ep. 1 ("I was frowning a lot. It just became a frowning exercise"), and b) highlighting how bad the dialogue is is just making things worse, isn't it? My pick would be Liam Neeson, who seemed to be…
Casablanca is a good one. People who aren't into old b&w movies and are expecting a dreary romance story end up surprised at how witty it is. And if you don't know the plot from the endless spoofs, you really have a hard time figuring out how it's all going to resolve (of course, the writers famously had the same…
Bitrate graphs might be a bit over my head, but the rest sounds good. I'll check it out.
Thanks Narrator, that's what I'd gathered, unfortunately. Apparently Universal is particularly guilty of this, while others are doing sterling work on their transfers.
Here's the obligatory Blu-Ray transfer question: How does it look?
This ties in to my criticism of the adaptation below. John C. Reilly's character just doesn't come across that way - he seems like he'd agree to therapy like a shot if it was what his wife wanted.
Quite a few dissenting voices on here, which is a relief to me. I'm replying to this one, because if you hadn't written "RED RED RED" I would have. The (to me, at any rate) clangingly obvious symbolism was probably my number one gripe with this film.
It's "Ma Ramsay's Tomato Soup" - a made up brand a la Repo Man (Ma Ramsay referring to the director). Apparently no actual food companies wanted their products associated with this film.
New movie, Headless Corpse, but old idea for sure:
With any luck the previously unreleased stuff will be available over iTunes, as with the Nevermind reissue. Although at the moment I can only see one on there - Blow Your House Down, from the 2 CD version.
I hadn't heard that Chapterhouse one before, yipes…
I had to look that up. Answer: Yes, but it's more to do with the size of the spacecraft than saving fuel.
1) Yes, as others have pointed out here, it was a bit odd to make Ted read her list of accomplishments during the date. Why did he *need* to see that? I feel like they could have put in a bit of explanation as to why they had to clue him in (e.g. To stop him being pretentious and talking down to her, or something?…
Yes, the term "chav" is more the equivalent of "white trash" than "wigger".
I had the same worries about the sixth member of the group in the pilot (called Gary, who apparently is in Game of Thrones now), who just seemed idiotically confrontational all the time. "I was surprised yet delighted to see him get offed" sums up my feelings very well - credit to the writers for setting up characters…