
A lot of the Good & Gather brand is really solid. Favorite Day is hit and miss. The G&G frozen popcorn chicken is legit good too, and cheaper than the name brand stuff.

I got a KitchenAid one as a wedding gift, 15 years ago, and I’ve used it in spurts - it works reasonably well, but I don’t love that a layer of rock-hard ice cream freezes to the bowl before the inside starts freezing, so I can never get all of it out. 

Right - it’s not just the energy involved in producing the cloth bag; it’s that you’re also NOT using 2-3 plastic bags (my cloth ones hold way more).

I’m a little side-eyeing that deli meat tip because bringing your own packaging for the deli meat seems sus.

What? No. I know very little about Joely Fisher and wasn’t trying to imply a damn thing about her, just share my own reasons why family relationships can be complicated.

Interesting. Not that it really matters, I just happened to see the BlackBerry trailer the other night and Bald Dennis startled me haha

Oh did he actually shave for that? I assumed it was a cap.

I am also not close to most of my aunts and uncles - really just one set on each side I keep in touch with. My dad’s brother is a notorious antisemite conspiracy theory nutcase; my mom has two siblings who have gone off the deep end. I won’t keep them from either parents’ funeral, but then my parents aren’t remotely

Yep. Billie was the executor, and Carrie had her reasons for that. Billie even notes that her relatives are allowed to do whatever they want, but that doesn’t mean she needs to have a relationship with them.

Just absolutely stole the movie in her scenes. She definitely seems to be channeling her mom in the best way possible.

Yeah, those are the ones I have the most problem with.

Unless things have changed since I was last there, New Orleans not only allows public consumption and open containers but has drive-through daiquiri shacks.

The book The Geography of Bliss was really interesting to me, but I’m not sure I need a series on it... and I find Rainn Wilson mildly irritating (yes, even separate from Dwight).

Peaches are such a gamble for me - I wait days for them to ripen and they’re frequently either mealy or mushy. I seem to have the best luck with the southern ones. (I’m in Chicagoland so can’t buy local Jersey peaches.)

Uh, you can scoop spreadable cheese with any sturdy cracker. That is not what the tiktok shows. 

well, have fun trying :)

I’ve been to Pelletier’s! It was good. Definitely an experience.

Like any social media, it CAN be used for good, and it has - but there’s no real barrier to entry so any dumbfuck can post anything.

Yeah, I hate all this stuff. Why does it matter in the slightest if you remove the unpopped kernels before eating? It’s not that hard to avoid them in the bottom of the bag or bowl. And you definitely can’t cut cheese with the edge of a ritz cracker.

Supersize Me was pure dumb gimmick to begin with AND it was a bunch of lies: Spurlock was an alcoholic going into liver failure. Of course he looked and felt like shit. I’m not saying anyone should eat McDonald’s all day every day, but he also sought out the biggest portion sizes and least balanced options at that.