Broseph Gordon-Levitt

"Plus they can replace them and no one can tell the diddly-ifference!"

When the brother started telling the story of why he was in jail I was thinking, "Is this going to be an appropriate story for little kids?" Then when he gave the real story at the end I thought, "Sounds about right."

Penalty for using two consecutive buts in the same sentence.

"Is this an F which I see before me, the handle toward my head?"

10-year-olds, not 12-year-olds. The time difference is not much, but the behavioral difference is huge.

If you liked the first few seasons of the show but not this episode, I'm pretty sure you don't know WHAT you want.

This is moonman speak.

I think you mean Frank Grimes.

My god, they have a taste for human flesh now!

Because Robert was his own worst enemy. It's DEEP, man.

I haven't read the books.

50 Tons of Walda Frey

Who wants to fuck her brother, Jon Snow? …checks out.

Also he's like 80 years older.

Their half-dwarf / half-dragon kids will be worth it.

At least it's the opposite of the hand he jerks off with. Unlike Jaime.

Plus Lyanna Stark made Ned promise her something unknown before she died and then he came back home with a son, despite being the least likely character in the entire world to cheat on his wife.

As in, the ground?

I love how the sad, aching melody that plays when Daenerys is having problems with her dragons is a variation on the same badass theme that plays when she's unleashing their fury.

Honestly most of dads on this show are shitty.