Broseph Gordon-Levitt

If I recall correctly, Hizdahr and his father were actually against slavery.

Although, killing the two random peasant boys was a totally cool and ok thing to do.

And neither is Rickon, truly leaving a Shaggydog-sized hole in his absence.

Littlefinger is the obvious Bond villain. His name even suggests it.

Roose is many things but "heartwarming" is not one of them.

Did anyone feel like they didn't understand what the hell happened between Mark and Rudy in the last 30 seconds or so of the episode?

Boy I really hope somebody got fired for THAT blunder!

Or "the boogeyman".

Jane is kind of nuts.

[Moves to put blanket over Eli Friedmann's shoulders for comfort]
[Drapes it over his entire head and body instead]

Yeah, I thought it was hilarious, not especially scary. I realize it's supposed to be scary to Louie the character, but his discomfort made it even funnier.

At this point the Wayans brothers are only marginally better than Friedberg and Seltzer. 25, 30 years in show business and all you can make now are still just terrible spoof movies? But at least there was a time when Marlon was doing dramas.

Calling your black R&B group The Intruders is sort of like calling your Jewish group The Swindlers, or your Italian group The Piano Wires…hilarious.

There's no original jokes left to make ON The Simpsons either.

Something GAY, no doubt.

Leonard Pierce actually wrote the review of Deathly Hallows back in 1998.

It was like she drew the names of the people who were killed out of a hat.

Danny DeVito, how could you?!

Speaking of which, can Jabba the Hutt really be called a "morally gray" character? The guy who fed a slave girl to a giant monster, solely for his own amusement, like it was a regular thing?

He's like an abusive husband who beats his wife and then cries until she takes him back, only to repeat the cycle over again endlessly.