Broseph Gordon-Levitt

Aaaaaand, fuck this show. I'm done.

Lando fucking sucks. He's a black Xerox copy of Han Solo without the depth or complexity. Not sure why everybody loves him so much.

Obviously Mark is not dead considering he's in the preview for next week.

At least, in contrast to the Lannisters, they didn't know they were siblings. So it's more like Mexican soap opera territory.

Pepper is black. Louie's more like salt & paprika.

I hope they actually kill Tandy in the finale.

I mean, war man! Wow. War…..you know? Wow.

A member of the working class whose ancestors owned slaves?

He's totally in my face!

Must have been a pretty slow decade…

The virus melts skeletons.

Maybe One Direction will guest star at some point, like the Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island.

"I find your lack of teets disturbing."
-Darth Vader, attempting to milk a bull

Fuck no. I know it's the AV Club and all, but try not to be so ridiculously contrarian.


Cheer up, beautiful people.

People think Walter will save Jesse because:
1) wishful thinking and reading into the show what they want to see
2) it's happened a couple of times before, so they think the show will do
the exact same plot point again, regardless of how often it has previously confounded their expectations
3) not paying attention to

And what happened then?  Well in meth-ville they say
Walter White's heart grew three fucking sizes that day
And then the true meaning of Heisenberg came through
Walter White found the strength of TEN meth lords, plus two!

So it's Christian Bale then

Well he has had the proper hairstyle for some time now.