Broseph Gordon-Levitt

Chang has been like a cute, eager puppy this season, whereas most seasons he was like a creepy puppy with a lazy eye that crashes into walls and eats its own poop.

Todd was kind of insane in this episode.

Perfumed ponce's proof and private palace perversions promise prized power for puritanical priest.

Sansa is his unwanted, red-headed stepchild.

I suppose, but not a mercenary we're supposed to be sympathetic to.

Wasn't that pretty much what she originally wanted to do anyway?

"Septas" are slang for boobies right?

"Special guest Kate Upton as 'Cersei's Boobs'"

Aerys was the Mad King. Aegon was his father, and Aemon's brother.

That guy was such a smirking, smug douche though. At least the current actor doesn't make me feel like he's going to screw everyone over the second it becomes convenient or he gets bored.

"You have a lot of well-wishers here, and a lot of them would like to throw you down one!" -Norm McDonald

When Littlefinger masturbates, does he fantasize about himself? Or does he just continue focusing on his intricate plots?

Next week: Sansa escapes, but is captured and forced to marry Walder Frey. Then she's set on fire by Melisandre. She survives, only to be carried away to the unknown by a White Walker.

Dammit Theon, I'm tired of your spineless cowardice. Way to use up any sympathy I had for you at this point.

Cersei's a famous tart, according to Olenna.

I never said it was worse than the Sarah/Paul scenes. I didn't compare them at all.

The Sarah/Paul sex scenes were definitely voyeuristic. Alison and Donnie was just funny. As Thomas R said, Sarah and Cal have a history and a daughter, and we'd seen them interact many times before. With Cosima and Shay it seems like they've spent more screen time kissing than talking and that the latter is just

You aren't. It's just a slightly fancier way of presenting the very lazy argument "No, U, but in REVERSE."

I wasn't especially big on this episode either. The review used the word "bombastic", which is exactly how I would describe it. Way too many scenes had music that seemed to scream "THIS IS EXCITING AND DRAMATIC AND IMPORTANT".

They certainly Cosima'd that storyline alright.