Broseph Gordon-Levitt

Breaking Bad?

It's just a matter of priorities.  I'm pretty sure the writers of this show spend more time doing blow with high-priced ladies of the evening than focusing on such trivialities as "complex, believable character development" or "an exciting, interesting, satisfying conclusion".

Whenever Dexter's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Dexter?"

"Do it for her."

Eh, who wouldn't

I'm pretty sure at one point she said "Not the mama."

I'm not sure why anyone wants to see Jesse back on Walt's side again.  He just found out about Brock what, 3 episodes ago?  And now he knows about Jane? They do not need to "team up" again. They are not Lennon and McCartney, or Shaq and Kobe, or Riggs and Murtaugh.  Let Jesse take his sweet, sweet revenge.

Christ I'm glad you people only watch this show as opposed to writing for it.

I believe it's spelled "Where's Waldo".

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Is it weird that the review for Low Winter Sun has been posted earlier than the show that immediately precedes it?

Chekhov's cell phone call to murderous, automatic-weapon-carrying white supremacists.

Maybe you should just watch the show when you're on the climber. 

Unless they're a high school principal?

Not to mention spending less and less time with his two friends, Beaver and…the other one.


"Anyone who watched this episode is unlikely to forget the difference between a pun and a play on words in a hurry.  That really has to be considered a vastly important public service."

Maybe Gus gets a tombstone, has Mike ever owned a bear?

Trey Parker does just about the worst fucking Barack Obama impression of all time.

Trey Parker does just about the worst fucking Barack Obama impression of all time.