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    In my opinion, the key to a good taco is the tortilla.  Those leathery, tasteless pre-packaged rounds of white something-or-other are heathen and need not apply.  And while I can appreciate the "corn tortillas only" rule for tacos, I'd like to offer an exception:  Chacho's in Houston TX.  24 hour place, lots of indoor

    I submit The Jayhawks:

    Can you repeat that?  Slowly?

    Theoretically, by replacing taco acoutrements as they are consumed (salsa, pico, cheese, beans, etc) a taco could last indefinitely.

    I hate you.

    That's the most beautiful love story I've ever heard.  Shakespeare can fuck off.

    More like their finance department.


    Seems like y'all missed the easiest, most obvious cure for his behavior:

    My right ankle hurts like a bitch first thing in the morning.  Hopefully losing some weight will make it better.

    Before you get too excited, I can't make it.  Moved from Houston to Pittsburgh two years ago.  Just thought I'd pull a suggestion from the handful of places I used to go with friends.  Ooh, how about the Red Lion British pub?  On S. Shepherd between Westheimer and San Felipe.  I only went there once but they had the

    Or despite Kim, had they gotten a second season.  That's a scary thought.  I'd hate to think what "scorned and betrayed" Kim would be capable of.

    Hopefully you call your former bullies semi-regularly and thank them for the lesson.

    Wow, you sure are a corn-fed farm boy, aren't you Todd?

    "Pink-part-pubes" is my new favorite phrase.  Can't wait to use it at work and/or church.

    Sam's Boat on Richmond is a pretty good place, too. 

    Hey, if watching a dozen puppies romp about a miniature football field for hours and loving every minute of it is a tacit endorsement of the gay agenda, then I might as well go suck a cock on the Golden Gate bridge.

    The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford.  End of discussion.

    If you're "beginning" to date, I'd hold off on it for a while unless it seems like physical intimacy is…wait for it…coming soon (zing).  When it does come up, take Dan Savage's advice:  don't present your inexperience like you're telling them you have terminal cancer.  Present it as an opportunity to learn and grow in