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    Old AV Club diehards never die; they just fade away.

    Go Coogs!

    High school sweethearts.  Senior year a mutual friend said, "Hey, neither of you have dates to homecoming, you should go together" (translation: "You're both horribly awkward nerds…IT'S PERFECT!").  That was in 2000.  Haven't been able to get rid of each other since.

    "maybe that's just an east coast thing"

    DUDE!  Taqueria Corona fucking OWNS.  I only went there once, but it was during the college days, en route from LSU to NO for the SoCo music fest, so AWESOME.  The girlfriend (now wife) and I were underage at the time, but there was no problem with the group having pitchers of margaritas at the table and the tacos

    I've lost 27 pounds over the last couple months.  Very few carbs, exercise most days.  I feel way better.  Feels good.

    Can't imagine she was too upset.

    Here's a few of our favorite quick supper recipes:

    I've only ever quit a job when I was moving to a new state, so I can't really give much specific helpful advice, aside from don't tell all the assholes you work with how much you hate them and how much ass they suck; there's nothing to be gained by burning bridges.  However, I would implore you not to quit the job you

    Here's my legal advice:

    Well, you must get beignets and cafe au lait at Cafe Du Monde.  And you should really try a muffaletta at Central Grocery.

    I think Aunty Madison got that car by sucking the sales manager's dick.

    I've lost 25 pounds in about 6 weeks.

    NCAA —  LSU Tigers
    NFL — New Orleans Saints

    Would this guy in the flannel pair well with an IPA?

    I just looked up tickets for the Pittsburgh show tonight.  Some interesting things:

    Give me some highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s over this drizzly humid bullshit any day.  August blows.  I want some foliage, dammit.

    57 comments and nothing about Genevieve Koski hating Ghostbusters?

    Gotta be Bob's office nightmare from Moody Foodie for me.