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    Who the fuck would want to spend more time with YOUR kids?  They're little pieces of shit.

    What's really funny to think about is how vigorously protested/boycotted Disney would be today if they tried to release a film with Muslim protagonists and several references to Allah.

    My absolute favorite was the Slate article about how marriage equality opponents are grasping at straws.  One was quoted as saying that they'll win the war against gay marriage in the end when all the young liberals who support marriage equality now will change their minds once they get older, get married, have kids

    It's pronounced "Stillers", Sean.

    The wife and I went home for lunch and had sandwiches.  It's a great way to save money and eat healthy, but damn it was tough to drag our asses back to the office.

    Prudence does it all the time.

    That first letter is seriously fucking sad, but it actually made me feel pretty good about myself.  I could have been (and kinda was, briefly) that piece of shit husband on more than one occasion over the last several years.  The first time, I was 24 and only too happy to leave my shitty slave-wage jobs with

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the dead Mike Starr was the awesome Mike Starr from Miller's Crossing, Cabin Boy, Dumb & Dumber, list goes on.
    I'm more glad that that particular Mike Starr is not dead at all but still working regularly.

    You really should.  It's in Santa Rosa's historic Railroad Square, walking distance from some nice hotels and surrounded by other good restaurants and cool shops.  Plus, the girl who was tending bar at happy hour was really nice and really hot.

    It'll be 8 years for us on the 25th.  We actually passed a pretty big milestone last year…we both forgot our 7-year anniversary. 

    Ask her about herself and BE INTERESTED in what she has to say.  And be a gentleman, goddammit.

    Found my new favorite place on earth this weekend, Jack and Tony's Whisky Bar in Santa Rosa, CA.  I designed my own whisky flight as follows:

    When I was in LAX last week, two dudes in suits and slicked hair were talking about how amusing they and their bros are at their respective firms.
    Investment banker douchery in a nutshell.

    My wife and I were in Sonoma County, California over the weekend.  On Saturday we got very drunk on wine and whiskey and had crazy sex all afternoon.  Then we went out to dinner and drank more wine.
    My life is awesome.

    Is it just me, or do NONE of these letter-writers deserve to have sex with ANYONE?

    If he agreed to go to counseling and gave his wife hope that their marriage was salvageable but was still putting the pipe to the other woman and never actually intended to put any effort into working on their marriage, then he is 100% asshole.  If he'd had the decency to tell her honestly "Kim, I'm sorry, but I'm in

    "They went to counseling, but he kept seeing the other woman."

    Why not cancel the cable and just pay the subscription fees?

    You know, I bet a good stripper could/would actually do that.  They are entertainers after all.  Sounds like a worthy experiment.