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    You know, I thought I was going all in on Scotch (hence the Johnnies) but after visiting Kentucky, I think I may have backed the wrong pony and should've gone bourbon.  I did have a Laphroaig 18 year at a high-end restaurant recently that was just killer, though.  Scotch, bourbon…you can't lose.

    Ham sandwich walks into a bar.  The bartender says "Get out!  We don't serve food here!"

    This past Saturday we made the 3+ hour roundtrip from Pittsburgh to Maryland to clear a liquor store out of every New Belgium product they had.  Got three cases of Fat Tire, plus some interesting seasonal stuff.  Totally worth the drive.

    I'm building a decent whiskey collection.  My lovely wife got me a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue for Valentine's Day, we just got back from Kentucky where we picked up a bottle of Old Pogue craft bourbon and I also just got a bottle of Johnny Walker Double Black. 
    That's right, I'm becoming a whiskey douche.

    Well, this is Savage Love, so it only counts if you're marrying into a couple to form a triad.  And are going to live in a cage in their closet.

    And THE LORD sayeth "Thou shalt lube up a phthalate-free, flared-base rubber phallus and ram it home, repeatedly."  And it was good.

    That is hot as fuck.

    My wife married me at 22 (I was 23).  I was her first relationship, she was my first that actually meant anything.  We'll be 8 years married next month.  Not saying it can work for everyone, but it can work with the right people.

    Confession time:  I've never actually seen an episode of Girls.  I just know etiquette dictates that any statement about the show - positive, negative, neutral, fact, opinion, whatever - is to be greeted with accusations of sexism.


    I'm pretty eager to see this but Suburgatory has made me fall in love with Jane Levy and I'm a little worried about seeing what happens to her here.

    …Ace Ventura?

    So it's the song that inspired Fallout?

    Is that Jessica's black stepfather?

    "Well big brother…what's it gonna be?  You staying…or you leaving?"  Jason is actually a fantastic actor.  I have to wonder what he did to get the Camp Campingston Falls counselor to shut him down so quickly.  You just know he was 100% committed to that tribal routine.

    Regarding that "astoundingly honest communal shower scene", I've watched it (multiple times, nudge-nudge) and while what they're SAYING indeed comes off as brutally honest and realistic, I've got to wonder…how true-to-life is the notion of a group of grown adult women showering together completely out in the open? 

    Kinda reminds me of the Yorkshire Millionares from Monty Python.

    Starbucks?  Apple Store?

    I think it's relevant here because, for a lot of people, her outspoken conservatism made them forswear anything she's in.  Ordinarily, I'd be fine with that (because fuck conservatives) but in this case it's a shame because The Middle is really a fantastic show.

    If it were a legitimate theater it would've had ways to shut that whole unauthorized photography thing down.