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    That may well be my favorite C&H strip.  The final panel where the mom has fallen out of her chair laughing and the dad has to admit that Calvin did the voice pretty well is just priceless.

    Thing is, Watterson has by-God earned the right to do exactly those sorts of things.

    I used to email back and forth a bit with John Backderf (writer of The City, My Friend Dahmer, Punk Rock And Trailer Parks, etc.) who's another Cleveland cartoonist and he told me that Watterson is kinda your typical crotchety old guy and was driven half-mad by fame.  This was a few years ago, but Derf told me that

    Trujillo: "See?  Durst has NO FUCKING CLUE what happened to his hat!!!"

    Absolutely.  The Sunday C&H strips are works of art.

    Maybe Auntie Lux needs to be a beacon to her stupid friend's kids.

    Two shows does not a tour make.

    That's awesome, Mike McCready.  Once you get this out of your system, maybe we can think about, oh, I don't know…SOME FUCKING PEARL JAM CONCERTS?

    Well, Seattle weather, you know.

    Ed does love to surf.

    I've eaten many a fine breakfast by the fire at the Hot Springs Cracker Barrel.  It may not be the finest dining establishment in these United States, but it hits the damn spot after a chilly night of camping at Lake Ouachita.

    Boo-fuckin-hoo.  I'm 31 in May.

    I buy CDs once or twice a year as gifts for my wife (birthday/Christmas).  She loves getting new music and also loves having something to unwrap.  And CDs on Amazon are often the same price or cheaper than iTunes and ship for free.

    Remember when he compared factory farming to those kids getting massacred in Norway?

    Any idea when tickets go on sale?

    Dokken is devilly music.

    You're welcome, black people!  In fact, y'all can keep him.

    Of whom?

    You'll have to listen to the podcast.  All will be revealed, and then lubed up and inserted.

    That sounds awesome.  WAY better than a titty/banana club, though I do love outdoorsy/camping stuff, too.