Spicey's Law
Spicey's Law
The job he was "given"? Like he lives in a rigid caste system and inherited the "provide PR cover for lying asshole" job from his ancestors?
Right, it's not the terrible policies and awful people in charge, it's our self-awareness of it that is hurting our reputation.
That different. Trump is in charge of a political system that affects the lives of hundreds of millions of people. But SNL wrote mean jokes!
To the extent that we cannot prove a negative, no.
I dunno they gave pretty equal time to the theories than Trump was intentionally terrible and an incompetent idiot
Yeah, I'm sure that Jeffrey Dahmer sometimes felt than methodically skinning his victims and storing their organs in refrigerated jars was a "thankless" task, but hey, those corpses weren't going to flay themselves!
Mattis oversaw the siege of Fallujah, and ordered the city sealed, trapping thousands of civilians in an active war zone and declaring the entire place a "free fire" operation. His troops dumped thousands of civilians corpses in a mass grave in a soccer field. Fuck Mattis
"Lying liberal media refuses to report on the beautiful non-Euclidean architecture of new Trump resort, instead focusing on totally fake reports of creeping insanity and madness. Sad!"
Hah I guess I was being haughty, but Rome wasn't much of anything yet. In the mid 4th they were stuck fucking around with the Samnites in central Italy, and they had just been sacked by the Goths half a century earlier.
*sarcasm detector lights up*
And the average Northerner, especially the soldier, cared little to nothing about ending slavery. He was inspired by Lincoln to save the Union , or to avenge Fort Sumter, or because he were drafted and couldn't afford the dispensation feeā¦
I love getting these replies and going back and reading something brilliant I wrote years ago. Thanks.
-1 reading comprehension
I'm seeing double here! Quatra-sexuals!
I am slightly amused that when the Saxons were FINALLY able to rid England of the perpetual Danish scourge, they were able to enjoy it for about 3 weeks.
The Crisis of the 3rd Century would be a fantastic setting for a MMORPG
except that there was nothing worthwhile to west of Greece at the time except tin, sheep and lumber
that is probably more than 90% of Americans could tell you about WWI
well, the "less worse guys". the North in the 1860's was exactly a progressive bastion of racial tolerance either