sarcasm detector


"Xena's not gay!"

Varys seems to be actively anti-mysticism and prophecy


Yeah, her "breaking the wheel" thing is supposed to come across as inspirational, but it comes across as naive at best and most likely cynical propaganda.

Her plan is to Make Westeros Great Again - what more do you want?

He hired Mrs WWE McMahon to run the Small Business Adminstration

I'd like to have seen how Gen. Smedley Butler would have handled Donald….

It involves President Mike Pence *wards against Evil Eye* - which comes with its own problems, but which I am more than willing to get to sooner rather than later.

Euclidean erotic

What's the over/under on how many times a day Trump asks to sniff Jared's fingers?

Yes, thank you! Anyone who thinks that Trumpfrastructure would have been anything more than sweetheart insider trading contracts hasn't been fucking paying attention to anything.


Saul? David? Cyrus?

They do the same thing as the rest of us… Nothing

agree. the time frames for ethnic diversification, a few hundred years in many cases, are not nearly long enough to get the kind of resolution you need for these kinds of tests

Maybe they will even show how rich white plantation owners encouraged the belief in racial supremacy to give poor white folk something to feel superior about, ensuring their cooperation in a feudalistic economic system which exploited them alongside their black slaves (to a different and lesser degree, obviously).

Maybe they will even show how rich white plantation owners encouraged the belief in racial superiority to give poor white folk something to feel superior about, ensuring their cooperation in a feudalistic economic system which exploited them alongside their black slaves (to a different and lesser degree, obviously)

What, a story about a modern country whose highest leaders cynically embrace violent racism?

so Trump's clever plan, to spite Leftists and Dems, is to "pretend" to embrace violent racists? Brillaint.