sarcasm detector

Wow, it's almost like these people are maladjusted, under-developed deviants. And that the internet has allowed these people, who previously would have kept these weird tendencies private, a place to connect and encourage such behavior. Thanks, internet.

It is known

Lincoln was cautious — he wasn't originally for ending slavery in the South because he knew that wasn't politically possible.

What is this? Lincoln wasn't some kind of saint or paragon of moral virtue. He prosecuted the Civil War as a way to maintain the Union (which he saw the territorial gain from the Mexican War as threatening), not because he was some kind of fervent abolitionist.

or when he gets demoted for 5 minutes but then - whoops - all of his superior officers are killed right in front of him, and he's suddenly captain again.

How did they fire the laser or whatever and not have to wait around for years for it to hit whatever it targeted several light-years away??

dude, am I putting this shit in a museum and promoting it as art? Go get yourself fucked

and you just know he is standing on his toes to looks even taller than Macron….

how about "do something more interesting than putting some kitschy shit on top of unstable podium things"?

to be fair, that was a pretty lame art exhibit

Sounds simple enough.

AI will be able to view 100,000,000 nude celebrity pics per second

He probably finally dumped her because he got tired of her dad asking to smell his fingers all the time…

it can be two things

if you didn't want me to listen to it, then why would you post a link to it? WHY?

He was just a simple man who wanted to tell a story - a story about dead people who eat other peoples' faces

remember when they tied that one guy to a tree and talked to him all episode?

Hi Amelie Gillette!

It was implied! IMPLIED!

hypothesis: teenagers are stupid and have too much disposable income