sarcasm detector

So am I the only one who doesn't really like this season (it's okay but def. the weakest of the 3)

I don't like this season.

he was referring to the character not the actor

dude relax, your "intelligent and subtle" show is one where Nikki (one or two days after getting brutally beaten) gets shot with an arrow, has it yanked out (rather than leave it in to staunch the wound), doesn't bind it or staunch it or anything, and walks another few miles through the woods until stumbling upon on

there some some amazing uses of split screens in S2 that might have come in useful for illustrating the predator/prey thing you describe

Trump 2020

yeah, I find it hard to watch him (and Emitt) be so passive and gullible to all of Varga's gross serpentine "charm". Just fucking call him on out on his grandioeloquent bullshit

That's perfect descrp of him

they will be able to sign language with impunity

and it was right after he had been a hair's breadth away from the hunter's arrow

so you don't dislike his social or political position, just aspects of his identity/persona?


lol, "D-bags"

a diminishment in their credibility and the community's collective trust in them absolutely makes their jobs harder

the AV Club has copy editors? Whatever!

First you get the sugar, then you get the massive voter disenfranchisement, then you get the power

Make America Incarcerate[d] Again

but, but, they were wearing whites coats! some of them even had glasses! and clipboards!

I might quibble with 90%, but there is clearly a substantial plurity of asshole cops. I get their is a "espirit d'corps" and all that, but don't the non-shitty cops see how hard their own jobs become when they have to form ranks and defend the assholes?

you mean a toilet?