"fake news!"
"fake news!"
the real question is how does Ivanka avoid all the "hugs"?
is it Mary Worth?
Fargo claims it is a true story
no, i meant both of those traits contrast with Emmit" meekness.
Not knowing email and "the cyber" is one thing (come on Gloria, it's just a series of tubes), but not being able to interact with electronic sensors as portrayed is almost physically impossible.
But narratively speaking, that means Betsy got to look weakened but resolute with hidden stores of strength, whereas with Varga we get vile retching and rotten teeth
"You could fry bacon on her - phew!"
"He gets there a little faster from behind, but I think it's important to look one another in the eyes when trying to make a baby."
Was so refreshingly trope-breaking to have him see the error of his ways and relinquish command to a superior cop, rather than "dig in his heels" (a phrase I just invented)
I didn't have my buddies die face down in the mud so you could investigate a murder over a brief time period with a modicum of resources!
Remember that we have the advantage of seeing the connections between everything play out, while he is confronted by a set of seeming disparate and coincidental data points.
stealth protagonist?
I was worried that he was going to throw a quick screw to Emmitt's wife, just for the lulz
If you have HD surround sound, you can really hear the echo of his nauseous gasps in the porcelain of the toilet bowl.
It insists upon itself
Everytime I saw her I hoped that she had stopped at a store to get some pads, rather than just rolling around with the toilet paper diaper all day.
Also Inglorious Bastards and Downfall apparently take place in different universes as well
You could take the artistic view that in his capacity towards intimidating and dominating Emmitt, he takes on these contrasting traits of omniscience and hyper-competency
yeah but instead of some light/dark BS, it feels like a "lawful vs chaotic" evil distinction (like with Mike Pence vs DT)