Erections are now a pre-existing condition
Erections are now a pre-existing condition
Sugar from the store doesn't have bits of broken glass in it…
I could really use a nice pair of God shoes….
you are conflating legitimate criticism of MO with some really vile racist material out there.
20% cut to NIH funding is dire
nope, we've seen calendars - it's before 2020
Yeah, I don't see what the "dramatic" problem that his eventual clash with Walter iimposes on his "current" existence in the ABQ underworld
I've been called a greasy thug too, Lisa, and it never stops hurting…
I want to say that I just saw Moonlight and - holy shit - what a sad fucking movie. Can I ask what people got out of it besides "poor black boy retreats into an emotional shell after years of abuse and neglect?"
I am further marginalizing you by blocking you
wow, soooo many good shows coming back in April. GoT, Saul, Veep, Leftovers, and this.
sure are. but your genes don't really give a shit about you. we have genes for sickle cell anemia that can cause devastating hematological damage when homozygous, but heterozygotes have an immunological advantage against malaria.
OMG can you imagine what the 2030's are going to be like that will make us nostalgic for steady, measured guiding leadership of Donald?
it shames me how easily people are manipulated by images and nostrums that flatter their own vanities.
“He’s the first time you have a real independent,” Herzog said [of the President who has whole heartedly embraced the most regressive-right wing anti-regulatory agenda since Herbert Hoover]
i fought the future and the future won
amazing how many people fell in love with what was essentially verbal incontinence. "He just says whatever - it's so great!"
well, he is an authentic phony then