yeah, she was pretty dumb. Now Trump gets to say "Well my tax return is out there, and it shows I paid a ~24% tax rate."
yeah, she was pretty dumb. Now Trump gets to say "Well my tax return is out there, and it shows I paid a ~24% tax rate."
isn't everyones' sadness ultimately their own fault?
Cars be fucking, yo
uhh, no… a single out of context tax return, with no actual itemizations or details about deductions, should not be assumed to be representative of his portfolio
Trump is going to catalyze the biggest upswing in progressivism this country has seen in decades
when I see a BMW/Mercedes/Lexus, I give it a >40% chance the person will drive like an asshole
from a certain point of view….
Huh? Part of the reason the Romans (eventually) embraced Christianity was because of its emphasis on obedience and servitude of the oppressed to their masters (mostly Paul, but Jesus's words could be cherry-picked as such)
Disturbingly erotic
The AV Club
at some level, these people are "victims" of their insular culture and lack of education, so laughing at them kind of makes you a dick.
no, invert it
saying only barbarians and idiots (paraphrasing) put ketchup on their hot dogs makes you sound like an ass
how do medevil people tap a gall bladder?
what a terribly phrased question
i hate when people try to normalize loathsome people by saying "Oh they're pretty nice in person" (Have heard this said about Trump quite a lot)
time of year when news is slow? WTF are you talking about?
are you kidding? I've tuned into SNL on and off over 20 years, and I think these guys are the flattest most boring WU hosts of all.
I used to NPR comment… was it colt call?
you got a real purty mouth