sarcasm detector

you can't really pass a barf bag - it's kind of a single-use object

i read your last sentence in hysterical John Oliver voice

So am I the only one who thought all of the ads on Mad Men were objectively terrible? Even the Carousel time-machine one that everyone sob-wanked themselves over?

and a limitless energy source, contained within a metal sphere the size of a softball, out of goat dung and spent 7.62mm rounds

you mean Heinz?

Am I the only one who thought all of the ads on Mad Men were objectively terrible? Even the Carousel time-machine one that everyone sob-wanked themselves over?

that answer does not align with the question

those Kegels though…

heh heh, all I have to do is misrepresent critical aspects of my personality and convictions. Suckers.

that Onion columnist whose schtick is a put-upon 90's sitcom dad (something Dudek) just jumped into my head

in March

good thing Scripture has never been used to justify racism, misogyny or slavery. nope.

Sounds like it will go great with his faith-based acting career

ambiance and effect

using a test of emotional reactions to certain stimuli seems like a terrible surrogate for "consciousness". I can't believe Laura didn't consult with a cognitive neuroscientist about what would actually constitute a reasonable threshold for consciousness (I don't think the show has ever used the term "Turing test").

you misspelled cantalope… YOU FUCKING WHORE!

I don't know, Judith had to sit there and listen to Tara try to emote for a couple of minutes.

he didin't "turn evil" he did what was convenient for his survival. anyone thinking he has some super double agent plan to infiltrate and sabotage the saviors from the inside is wrong

Killing Rick would really liven things up

"But Marge, the little guy hasn't done anything yet…"