sarcasm detector

Our human urge for neat, dichotomous Manichaen conflicts is so bizarre in the Era of Trump… I'll find myself nodding sagely and saying "You know, George W Bush/ Bill O'Reilly/ the CI-fucking-A has a good point" before I realize what the hell I'm doing.

well… yeah

yeah, it's not like the magic *by itself* was bad, just what Willow was letting herself caught up in doing with it.

that's kind of a bullshit distinction. with a graphical user interface, ~60% of the function is the form

"They haven’t posted significant losses, but they did say that the inauguration didn’t bring in the waves of customers they’d expected"

Neanderthals apparently self-medicated will willow bark

Move along, sir…

Now I wonder if my smart-refrigerator is secretly waging auctions on various products on my grocery lists between competing brands…

you should just get rid of the articles and have comments

It would be a terrible strain on the animators' metacarpals.

is this the fucking bullshit I heard where this season only have like 6 episodes?

what is the point of arming a bunch of weirdo stranger mercenaries when there are dozens and dozens of unarmed people at Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom who can be trusted before Garbage People?

was he the Coach actor who self-righteously huffed "No one helped me out when I was destitute and on welfare…"?

scales of magnitude, bro

they care more about their tribe than gender, obviously.

"lemme tell ya something, folks…"

as another former heavy drinker, I grew kind of sick of people who confused "being a heavy drinker" with "having an interesting personality" (not trying to make a dig at you)

Only if you are Strom Thurmond

Trump's election notwithstanding, I think easily 26% of the population are evil shits

Only trolls deal in absolutes…