so what's your argument? Just because there are bad things happening elsewhere, we can't be upset about (not as objectively) bad things happening here?
so what's your argument? Just because there are bad things happening elsewhere, we can't be upset about (not as objectively) bad things happening here?
no you didn't
That's around when Mickey Mouse first came out, and good luck ever prying him from Disney's cold dead hands
Friar Cuck?
*Mary Magdalene walks out*
Besides use it to cudgel other people in our perpetual Culture Wars? No, not really.
Don't tell me how to enjoy things
Eleanor of Aquitaine pretty much led her own goddamn Crusade
as someone who has never sent a Tweet, I've always wondered this. When I look at other people's tweets, I don't see ads. Is Twitter just selling user data like everyone else? I don't get it
being good at a bad thing is still being good at something
I'I'm sure Republicans would have had no problem with a President Hillary who covertly communicated with the Russians and kept every Clinton Foundation connection intact. No sirree,nothing to see here.
"Maybe I felt like talking about something else"
as in "looks like she's from the Middle Ages"?
ugh, everyone Trump unleashes a Tweet-trum, I always wonder "Hmm, I wonder what's really going on…"
how to [carbon] date Natalie Dormer
only Siamese cats…
I can't decide if she's really terrible or really good at what she does…
"OMG you guys know what would be so hilarious…"
UPDATE: Pussy-hands is calling for an official Congressional investigation into "Obama's wiretaps". Looking forward to an independent committee issuing subpoenas to Trump Administration members and the ensuing Constitutional crisis.