
If you go to any bar with a majority of white 21-28 year olds, you could probably get a quack chant going.

If you go to any bar with a majority of white 21-28 year olds, you could probably get a quack chant going.



They really do get the worst kind of liberals to be on the show. It pains me to listen sometimes, and I'm super liberal as all hell.

No, they rock alot of The Meters and the like. I usually zone out during the breaks but I wouldn't call it jazz.

Retraction: Good Food doesn't use jazz interludes, they use funk and sometimes surf rock.

sconn please remember that your mom sucks a mean dick

Smurfrican Americans.

Whenever talks about "nigga" I think of that old "tokyo breakfast" video from 10 years ago.

I think her name is mother sha boo boo now.

Since Rabin Says So

"First prize! First prize! First prize!"

Bart was the 90s Dennis the Menace, and everyone knows he had a drag side.

If the children want to smoke, the market will provide for them.

Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas Song is one of the best.

Rabin fails to mention its not just any ordinary blimp. IT'S THE DUFF BLIMP!

Considering that Bret also lost his leg in that episode, it is kinda silly.

Nothing funnier than using a person as a puppet.

It was the role he was born to play.