
Emma Morano died a couple months ago AVClub, keep up much?

get a fucking car you losers

Anyone who rides a bike is an asshole

I have a vegetarian friend living in Taiwan with me. Unless you know where you are going, every damn thing will have some kind of meat product inside of it.

meaning the montreal bagels being better opinion

Yeah this opinion can jump off a bridge

You're a pretty good guy

He has killed every author, while also becoming one

In terms of Chicago public education budget, this literally means nothing. The school budget is over 6 billion dollars a year. Even when Zuckerberg gave a billion or whatever to save schools in Newark, that meant shit for long term funding. For everyone who says that private charity can fill in the gaps from lower

I see alot of Durian at markets all the time. I don't remember it smelling that bad honestly.

It sucks, and ShiDa night market also sucks.

me me ma moe

Data's not here man

I did a double take for that cover picture. Hachi Machi AVClub, I've got kids here!

spergys gonna sperg on this

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Douches run wild.

People want to shit on it because they don't get shit

it is snarky shit

Well, don't leave us hanging, what are you seeing