
He sold those rocks.

Fix the Sharpling/Tompkins rift AVClub!

Get that Winger shit out of here

When I first heard about "Annie & Abed in the Dreamatorium" I thought it was going to be about Evil Abed coming back and trying to seduce Annie. I still think that is a good idea. Just an entire episode where everyone is playing their darkest timeline selves until Annie somehow destroys it and we get the conclusion we

They always go back to that music when they need a real emotional punch, and it works every time.

Seeger never hit that sweet Laurel Canyon sound. Point: Dawes

Agreed, Rabin is a twit.

grrrrrrrr liberals

I don't think this show will ever top the laugh I got at the way the portrayed Skycrime.

It doesn’t mean anything until there’s a beginning, middle and an end. "

It doesn’t mean anything until there’s a beginning, middle and an end. "

So to sum up at this point:

you know this is pretty fucking creepy

I'll talk about your mom any time I please.

ask her how brian jones' dick tasted

Go to hell, Senor Peanie!

Dante Hicks is just like you.

Shut up, Sigmund Freud.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me

Don't you hate it when you think of something after watching an episode and then the next episode comes up and you think you're idea was so much better than what they are going to do? And it ruins the show for you a little?