
And this why you need Sirius/XM. 40s/50s/60s are right there!

Buffet was always country, but instead of talking about pick-up trucks he talked about boats.

Considering how much Oreo O's fucked up a person's mouth (like eating sandpaper) the sugar was the part I was least worried about.

this is the worst firsties I've ever seen

Wainy days are here again!

It was probably Klemzer sample #44 on whatever music database they got it from.

He's not even saying words for most of that.

Yes, but sometimes we also want to watch the things talked about. And now we can. 
Please AVClub reviewer, give us less interesting stuff, oh please!

That sure is a real quizibuck you got there.

Long time fan. And this is probably my favorite episode too.

I ain't eating no tomato and cheese casserole, you swine

I agree to disagree.

He speaks like a robot who’s been programmed to be more “human” by his creators because hearing a robot speak would just be creepy"

I thought Stallone said you use two to pinch at left over shit and the other to scrape.

Candy wrapper cuts!…ugh….cranberry apple…in….bloodstream!


What kind of menthol lather are we taking about here?

Red Shoe Diaries…

survivor: white collar prison

There is a canoe heading straight for a waterfall. It has 4 people in it: Greggulator, Wally Wackiman, Canadian Glenn Beck, and the guy from Mitt Hamine. You can save one person. What do you do?