
And the ability to Metal Gear myself while posting.

Because fuck, they did everything. GUBBERMENT

My dad does that all the time.

I saw him 2 years ago in Atlantic City and I feel asleep halfway through the concert.

Do the Bartman is perfect, and it is impossible to make fun of it in any way, shape, or form.

It wasn't an act: he was dumb, but he had been a part of the alliance through Richard (who kept him around as eye candy) ever since Jenna.

39 likes (and counting!) can't be wrong.

god you are insufferable

Considering he was older than Conan was when he got the spot (and Conan was still considered one of the "young guys" 3 years ago) I guess he will seem young for a while with TV magic.

…lot riding on this!

I had the opportunity to get the t-shirt once online, and I didn't take it. Worst mistake of my life.

Daft Punk made the hook of 2007.

The pool one scared me the most. Just about weird orange monster(s) living in a pool.

The new notice thing also makes it much easier to notice when someone does it.

I bought 23 albums last year. None of those are in the top 10.

I should mention this, because I just read last week's recap and didn't see anyone else bring it up, but Jenna's home video showed up a few days after that reward challenge. At least, Burnett's book says so.

Bleep Bloop.

Looking at this, selecting just 5 is going to be really, really hard. Like, so hard I can't rank them.

A perfect end for a perfect life.

Chief, you're talking into your wallet.