
30-year-olds don't didn't even play VCS/2600.

Hooray for more Classic AV reviews!

Todd Britta'd this review.

Its pretty amazing when an episode this good is probably the worst Halloween episode they've made.

This had to have been pitched with the idea being "the world is full of beautiful people who never age, so we can pack as much young pretty people in here as you want."

How fucking awesome would an episode be where they go to Brad's family reunion and its all real Wayans.

I enjoy playing Shenmue, but there is no fucking way I would call it a good game.

No, just russ feingold.

Really, 2 through 5.

If Jason Mantzoukas is "the guy" in Hollywood for fixing movies, why he is the worst part of his movies podcast?

libertarians are the worst parts of democrats and republicans combined

Having Rabin play Shenmue would be the funniest review of all time. There is no way it would leave him not confused and angry at sailors.

The Female Jon Hamm? That's Malin Ackerman. Everyone knows that.

You Mole people, you've got to stop sleeping on the subway tracks.

Its like when she was chomping all over the place when her and Rob Huebel take speed.

My sister went to the Morristown show last Friday. So pissed I couldn't go.

piss and chips and vinegar, vinegar, piss and chips and vinegar, vinegar and pop.

partially ruined this son for me.

"Is this about me sleeping with your sister again Sy?"
"Oh yes, but now I'm begging you to reconsider look she's going through a tough dry spell, she could really use it."
"No can do bro, you know my rule!"
"Yes, you don't sleep with girls who look like Ray Liotta."
"Bingo, and you're sister is Totes LeOates."

Much Ado About Cunting