
I mean, bulls are pretty big. They gotta have big dicks. Strong muscle there.

It was funny because they let them show their gag reflexes again.


At least point a like to the latest PS3 release.

i have your baby in me giraffe

Dennis Wilson's voice is what Tom Waits wishes he had. I get all misty when I listen to "Thoughts of You."


At least Hot Dog now can stop threatening Sha Na Na with that home-made flamethrower.

It looks like they could be brothers, which makes the kissing that much hotter.

That SlyHD collection ain't gonna sell itself you know.

If it ended at season 2, with the brothers and the girl getting away on the boat, Sucre just hanging out in Panama or whatever, T-Bag gets caught for killing that person, it would be fine.

He was the inventor of Hot Ice!

And then Benny with this middle aged early 90s mustache gives the biggest thumbs up.

"The Jet stole home!"

Abed was running out of notch space so he had to do one himself.

These comments are gonna rule when it comes out that this episode did a 1.3 in the demo.

That sounds like something terrible I would say.

You're smiling because we've finally solved that pesky negro problem.

Well I did use Ben's "style" as how I should dress during my student teaching. Its one way to look professional.

I think all my typos revolve around the word "manic" and instead I wrote them as "maniac." It is some kind of manic-centered dyslexia.