
bumping donuts?

FINAL UPDATE: I just watched Requiem for the first time, and ass to ass is even funnier.

because they are white girls with flat asses, so its possible kinda

Are you talking about their two assholes trying to kiss each other

what are you referring to? like a circle vagina?

He was in the background.

Having a fake tan probably fits his character more than not having it.

are you talking about KAT DENNING'S TITS

“Of course star ratings are ridiculous.”

shot himself

Yeah, but you're the worst poster ever, so fuck off.

Kanye was trying to give her the Filburt HIGH FIVE OF DOOM

Actually since Michael Jackson's death catalog titles are on the BB200, because so many people were pissed at his greatest hits collection selling more than the newer title. This is how I learned that For Emma, Forever Ago is selling just a lil' bit less a week than Bon Iver, Bon Iver is right now.

Ademdum: you can go back the past 10 years and find one song like that. Float On, Here it Goes Again, Take Me Out, even things like Paper Planes and Crazy count. And because everyone reading this recognizes the songs just by their name means it true. I win.

I strangely think you can blame the decline of music on MTV on Arcade Fire not making it to "White Stripes" level fame. Strokes/White Stripes garage rock revival stuff was the last gasp of MTV music trendsetting before it all went online. And the White Stripes really hit it big there because of their interesting

It seems like for the past 3 years there has been one indie rock song that has gone mainstream: 1901, Tighten Up, and Pumped Up Kicks. Songs that, while not considered the best of the year, are still so much better than most shit out there.

Other books by Steven Hyden on Amazon: Valuation for Financial Reporting: Fair Value, Business Combinations, Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Impairment Analysis.

Doesn't count, because…

If Tudyk was going to be in Castle, he should play a dead body with a huge piece of metal through his chest, with dinosaurs in his hands, and they try to do as many wash puns while over his dead body as possible.

Rhys doesn't look right now wearing a ill-fitting ill-colored suit.