
When are we going to get that Community porn teaser?

The show has people I like making it…but it sucked. So feh.

^^But Sal and his sons see themselves by their work/property, so destroying the store is already killing what they are. It could be an underlying racial theme of how people define themselves.

Poor Lupe.

I choose to believe my "spray tan" hypothesis, thank you.

Why is Vedder so tan and the rest of the band so white there. Look at it. Its like he just got sprayed.

Top Shelf Wrestling
There is nothing low-rent about Kenta Kobashi.

Ahahaha, someone admits to watching GLOW.

I mean shit, first movie I've ever thought could use LESS sex.

fuck it man, it looks good enough. Don't even watch it.

If Scott thinks he missed something by not seeing the extra 20 minutes. This movie could have used another hour cut.

You missed NOTHING.

I just connect a 2TB HDD to my PS3. I don't even watch regular TV anymore because all the shows I want are available to download a half-hour (sometimes only 10 minutes) after they air with no commercials.

I remember that being the reason we never got a good R-Type arcade port.

fuck you op

You know what? YOU SUCK


Every episode is the worst RAW in forever.

TV shows not made to watch multiple times
Arrested Development

Too bad these fucking boards DON'T WORK ON WATER.