
Can't we all agree that vaginas are great

Yet both are around 100 lbs a year now.

The New Guy
Very underrated movie. Lots of good people in it too.

Glenn Beck didn't just kill them, he raped AND murdered them in 1990.

Kanye is the best thing to come out of popular music the past decade so yes.

Pretty sure Nick canceled the 3rd season release (they had boxart and everything for it too.)


Rock Band 3 is the best fucking thing of all time. I've got 500-fucking-songs on my HDD ready to RAWK OUT MANG at any time.

I will defend "Butterfly" until the day I die.

I loved Limp Bizkit 10 years ago. LOVED.

Fuck Ronald Reagan, that is my good point.

The failure of that idea is what shamed him into making TCM in the first place.

Yvette Nicole Brown
Did this commentary track mention her severe drinking problem?

WRXP is actually good. On New Year's Day they had a best-of-the-decade thing that actually got good music on the radio.

Ice Box
That one song that kinda sounds like a Chrono Trigger song right?

Born to Run is a GODDAMN PERFECT ALBUM. Meeting across the river is the 2nd best song too.

Best gag of the episode.

"Teenage Riot" is in Rock Band
Punk as shit

They said Abed is an aspie in the goddamn pilot, why is it every week when Abed gets in a social situation people think they are trying to make fun of it.

^^Because alcohol can sometimes make people sad?