Unregistered Hal

Yeah, this argument is just, to use a technical term, super-dumb. I love how the article works in a to-be-sure ("It would be a pretty big stretch to blame 300 for Donald Trump or whatever") just to flip right back around a sentence later ("This sort of bullshit did help establish a world where Donald Trump could be

Yeah, this is pretty well-known, I thought. But it's possibly more of an open secret thing that isn't actually that well-known to most TJ's shoppers.

I still haven't really seen anything to make me think Kristin Stewart is a good actress. I know that's the conventional wisdom now, but certainly Adventureland didn't convert me to Team Kristin.

Thank you for making my coworkers suddenly seem like the sanest, most awesome group of people in the universe.

This review made me more interested in the book than in the show. Is it good? Like, where would it rank on the scale of classic Stephen King?

I get what you're saying about the fact that the cave paintings weren't used to move the plot forward. So they weren't, in a certain sense, as hack-y as Sam finding the magic dragon glass map in a random book and saying, "I need to tell Jon about this!"

I need to let it sink in a bit, but it without question was the first undeniably great episode of the new season. It wasn't perfect — the cave paintings in particular were an incredibly lame plot contrivance. And honestly, either Bronn or Jamie should have gotten roasted. How many times can you jump out of the way of

Floyd was definitely a teenage thing for me, but the header pic on this column made me realize something weird: I had literally no idea what Pink Floyd looks like. I mean, I'm sure I've seen pictures of them before, but I would never be able to pick their faces out of a crowd.

I really want to remain indifferent to this show, and it looks like I can check that one off the ole to do list.

I'm a displaced Masshole, and DD certainly doesn't have my fanatic devotion, but I will say this: their egg and cheese croissants touch a very special place inside me. There is something uniquely, magically, greasily divine about them.

Wait, is it canon that Euron was brought back from the dead? Not trying to be dense here, I just assumed he was nearly drowned. Like, the test was to hold someone underwater until they passed out, and then see if they manage to sputter back to consciousness. Do the books say different?

It's not so confusing. ASMR is a type of BDSM where you jerk off to the sound of ceiling fans.

Never, ever look at the comments. Never.

Well, agree to disagree on this. It isn't a "gesture," it's a restriction on ideas and speech, and I think one of the (dwindling few) things about which America can continue to be smug is our relatively strong protections around things like this. Also, I tend to doubt that laws like this actually have the intended

That one is definitely on my list…

It's premature for me to recommend this cookbook because I haven't actually cooked much from it yet, but I am loving Six Seasons by Joshua McFadden. It is most definitely not vegan and not even vegetarian, but it is vegetable-centric, and most of the recipes are either completely vegetarian or could easily be made so.

I hope you got the fried bologna sandwich. It is a thing of glory. The burgers are justly praised, but you can get the same thing at Small Cheval without waiting in any line at all, so you are better off exploring the menu a bit. (The hash browns with duck heart gravy are also pretty epic.)

Right, you didn't say anything about the intensity of the opposition, which is why your analysis is flawed. And people give a very big shit about illegal immigration. There's a reason we're in the current shitshow, and you're not going to find it by looking at reassuring polls regarding America's opinions on tax

The worst type of political analysis — and liberals are especially guilty of it — is the "polls show Americans agree with us" variety. There is a big difference between people's stated opinions on an issue and the intensity of their opinions on that issue. There's also not much evidence that "positions" matter much at

Uniformly unpopular = despised by a handful of blue states and people who read The Atlantic.