Unregistered Hal

Hey, I like Philly!

Yeah, and I would even go a bit further and say that the follow-on movies devalue the originals. They don't "ruin" them or anything, but they do embed them in a context that makes them more ordinary. Not bad, just ordinary.

Maybe: Ed Droste rips into Grizzly Bear Tumblr fan page

Does it? I actually don't remember a single pot joke. Most of the characters are drunk, and there's a coke-snorting scene as well. No pot that I can recall.

I re-watched Superbad a few weeks ago. That is a damn funny movie. I actually wasn't aware until the repeat viewing that he wrote it.

Hey, when the thermometer hits 1,000,000°, you just want something cold that won't weigh you down.

I'm maybe (almost certainly) overestimating my own cleverness, but I always feel like this is the route I would take. Does perjury really enter into the picture? It seems like all you have to do is offer bromides: everyone deserves to tell their side of the story; there's more to a situation than what you read in the

No idea, but I don't see any really obvious explanations. The article says, "daily breast related searches number in the millions." That means they have hundreds of millions or more likely billions of searches in their database. I'm guessing they don't have trouble reaching statistical significance.

The sun disappears in mid-day. The sky turns dark. Animals and insects fall silent. For two minutes you can see the sun's corona.

So, I actually read the linked article, and I had the same reaction. The top four breast-related search terms are all some variation of "big breasts." But the fifth most popular term is "boobs." This seems more or less like searching for "sex" or "woman." If you're searching for "boobs" at pornhub, you are probably

Well, I disagree. Eclipses don't come around that often, and I think it's worth $50* to experience one of nature's grander spectacles. For anyone else of a similar mindset, I tracked down a bunch of links to sites that are selling real glasses and still have some in stock (at the present moment):

Tom seems to be holding up well. So far he's treating this news with the same casual indifference he maintains toward all things that he is completely unaware of.

This is apropos of not very much, but GoDaddy has apparently turned itself around quite a bit since it's cheesecake Superbowl ad days:

All of the people in this photo have a surprising amount of gear. Remember, the most important rule of violent white supremacist rallies is: Safety first!

So, great episode, but was no one annoyed by Bronn and Jamie just popping out of the water a mile and a half away? They just…swam there? In their armor?

No, in the mailbag this week they mentioned that she only rides Drogon.

Totally Christian Bale. And, speaking as a het dude, I thought the crewcut was working pretty well for him.

No, Jamie is the brother of the woman who married the king. He's nothing.

Oh, er, to be clear: I think Trump is a fucking nightmare. I just don't think 300 had absolutely anything to do with his election (in fact, I can't believe I just had to type that sentence).

The Pimento soda sounds deeply intriguing to me, and if you're ever looking for another non-soda soda, check out Lurisia Chinotto. It's a sort of bitter orange drink, and it's fucking amazing. They do sell it on Amazon at outrageous prices. Otherwise, if you happen to live in a city with an Eataly, they have it