Unregistered Hal

Can you imagine the "no way this is happening" grin on Ryan Lizza's face as the Mooch unloaded? I would pay a lot to have seen that.

Uh, Spicer resigned. He really resigned, he didn't just "resign." Trump wants Sessions gone not because Sessions is an embarrassment, but because he blames Sessions for his inability to shut down the Russia investigation. This stuff really has nothing to do with Trump's brand.

Did you end up putting him down?

If I'm remembering correctly (big if), I think they may have just scrapped a lot of the horse stuff. There were certainly horses in the battle, but I recall them mostly bookending the main part of the battle, which was a very grubby hand-to-hand fight. (Again, though, could be wrong about this.) I think the main

I don't doubt that this is generally true, but I thought Battle of the Bastards was pretty fantastic.

OK, smart guy, then explain how they do it in Mission Impossible? Huh? Huh?

It's amazing how much stock footage of the towers burning (on a TV screen) they managed to stuff into the trailer. As though someone is going to watch this and think, "Oh, that 9/11! Remember that? What a crazy day."

Part of the problem, I admit, is that their relationship is so underwritten on the show (I haven't read the books). We are often told they are in love, and they certainly seem united in their mutual arrogance, but neither of the characters seems remotely loving or lovable, even in private moments.

This looks tonally confusing

The Euron shipbuilding thing bugged the shit out of me when he gave the order in season six, but it's much more irritating now that it's a central plot point.

I don't agree with this at all, but insert your preferred creative genius asshole in there.

I've seen the guy's show in person (uh, Steele, I guess, Chop wasn't there), and it was both funny and sort of sweet and earnest. At least, that's how I remember it.

Yeah, I think some creative (or "creative") types tend to lean a little too heavily on this. I know plenty of talented designers/whatevers who are extremely pleasant, decent people.

Perhaps oddly enough, I've always considers these foods to be ethnic Jewish, although of course they also read as heavily Scandinavian.

Wow, this shit sounds buck wild!

Hey everybody, look at this maroon! Doesn't even know how teleportation works!

Worse, this article fucked up on the best way to board an airplane. Back to front sucks actually:

Martin Freeman has had one of the oddest career arcs since Woody Harrelson.

Same. She seems like a nice person, with an average person's level of self-awareness and an average person's sense of humor. She also seems to get massive credit for these things, because she's famous. I really don't mind her at all, but I also don't understand why she is such a thing.

Honestly, not really. Americans tend not to resent their rich as much as other places (for better or worse), and although celebrity hate/worship is absolutely a thing here, it strikes me as pretty universal and probably not as extreme here as in some other places. The British tabloid press has always seemed far