a guinea pig tricked me

Hey Herc, isn't that the FIRST 4G phone?!?!?

Jesus, Terry, you need to get the sand out of your vagina. Disagreeing and discussing a movie on a comments board is sort of what the whole point is. Go fuck yourself, or, if you'd like, I'd be happy to spend the five minutes it would take to put you out of your fucking misery, you fucking cunt.

In the Confidential episode they said the reality where Amy was pregnant was Rory's "reality." I took it to mean that the rural life where he was a doctor and Amy was pregnant was Rory's wishes. That doesn't quite jibe with the dialogue you quoted, of course. So I guess it is open to interpretation. Rory's dying

If that were the case, she would never have sat there at earlier points in the episode and said "But this is real!" Also, the moment she and the Doctor shared before she ran the car was made heavy because she wasn't sure. Would it have been so hard for her to make mention of the fact that she was pregnant in that

Yeah, the psychic pollen was REALLY stupid. Why not have it just be the TARDIS somehow malfunctioned and amplified his subconscious? Or they flew close to a spatial anomaly or something? I mean, the psychic pollen kind of thing is something that Doctor Who does which is one of the complaints I'd have; that's just

I liked this episode a lot. It was apparently one that had to be light on special effects, and that was great, because it had a decent story. I liked the shifting back and forth. I liked the acting. I thought it was pretty fantastic and might be my favorite of this season thus far (or right behind The

I'm glad someone else mentioned Congratulations.

I didn't care for the film, myself. The way it ended, I thought it was kind of hilariously bad. It seemed like the last bit was a different movie. Someone here insisted it was a "black comedy," and the movie wasn't projecting that in my opinion, but it might have been more enjoyable that way. Maybe not. I don't

you empty headed animal food trough wiper

Five words: A View to a Kill

Jesus, Conrads…Morganna Roberts. She FINE

Cheese and Oreos…mmmmmm

Your avatar reminds me of how I miss Jack.


I turned The Avengers off; the equivalent of walking out. I walked out of the room of my house that Very Bad Things was playing in, if that counts. Turning it off didn't seem to be enough. In the theater I walked out of Bad Boys 2, Vanilla Sky, the second Matrix…

OrangeCrush, don't feel bad, I didn't like it at all. Well, I enjoyed the parts everyone here has already covered; my fiance loves the look of Paris in the 60s; we both got something out of it I guess. But I didn't care for the movie, technically.

Uh, I Will Be Damned, can I come to one of your parties? I'll help with the cleanup and everything.

Maybe running down the producers with cars to snap them out of it, DESMOND STYLE

I'd love to figure out what Lost fans' themed version of this kind of protest would be to protest the ending that so many of them hated.