I’m a cynic, as are most of you. There is one reason and one reason alone I believe that AWK is as positive and life-affirming as his marketed image.
I’m a cynic, as are most of you. There is one reason and one reason alone I believe that AWK is as positive and life-affirming as his marketed image.
Andrew W.K. is the anti-Morrisey.
Shades of The Emoji Movie anyone?
It still bothers me that it isn’t “Ralph Wrecks the Internet”.
So satisfying to read an article saying what I’ve been thinking for the past couple of years: this is the worst of times for access to movies! How can it be that I have streaming access to so many obscure albums by local bands, but can’t watch most of the greatest movies ever. I am willing to give big corporations my…
Libraries offer—at least my library offers—free streaming from Kanopy which has a fantastic selection.
Time for a quick reality check: As far as movies are concerned, the streaming era sucks. Having decimated the video…
It will never be as good as that other classic adaption of Fahrenheit 451.
You’re having an entirely different conversation than the one this article and the article this one is responding to is having. You’re talking about individuals’ enjoyment of culture. The articles are debating the value of pop culture.
but CEO John Landgraf did tell Donald Glover early on that he should “lean into those” parts that “you’re worried we’re going to think are too weird.”
Kevin Smith: (in hospital) “I’m not even supposed to be here today.”
Yeah...I think it’s obvious that violent media has some effect.
Just playing devil’s advocate here but is it not possible that our incredibly violent pop culture has a negative effect on at least a few people? So while most Americans can watch The Walking Dead and football (our favorite TV show and sport and both violent, the former incredibly so) and be fine, a few while watching…
I’m going to wade into this argument. Your last paragraph was not genuine and you know it. Nobody is saying it’s like a f****** magic spell. Nobody is saying you’re going to watch one violent movie and turn into a psychopath. But how can we say people aren’t influenced by the constant imagery of gun violence, which…
Garry Shandling was one of the sharpest and most innovative American comedic minds of the past century, and his…
I just think it’s important for me to remind everyone that I appreciate the Muppets on a much deeper level than you do.
I loved it. I think some of it made people uncomfortable because they assume muppets are a kids-only thing.. The Muppets (not including Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock) have always been grown-up humour, it’s just that over the years, grown-up humour has gotten more blatantly.. for lack of a better word.. vulgar.
I’ll be over here in the corner, muttering about how I LIKED the ABC Muppets show.
The 2015 reboot was actually hysterical. But of course it was different so it wasn’t given the time to get any better. :(